CGI Computer Graphic Equip. - TFHS (all students who take the courses) - the software allows student to create three-dimensional models, animate the models, and integrate them into video productions; helps prepare students for a career in multimedia design and expose them to the possibilities offered to them through the potential of a home computer; reinforces math skills, visual acuity, technology skills involving measurement, drafting and drawing
Culinary Arts meets Science - GFMS 8th grade (90 students) - The making of ice cream focuses on phase changes of matter and properties of matter. Class work and homework assignments support the activity.
Curators in Community - Sheffield - Chip Wood- grades 3-5 (150 students) - An artist in residence will work with Nancy Meagher to produce art work visibility in the community; focus on drawings of local buildings and landmarks; students create a traveling exhibit that can be displayed in various downtown venues. Grant request is for brochures to be available at each site of the traveling exhibit.
Exploration with Technology - Calculators for MCAS math prep class, grade 10
Exploring the River Around Us - Gill School- Bill McDonald- K-6 (105 students) Enchanted Circle Theater will integrate theater arts with a focus on the Connecticut River and related themes of animal adaptations, habitat, industry, geology and conservation; a professional development workday will be held to support this; students will develop three short dramatic plays based on the researched information.
Incredible Insects - Hillcrest, grade 2 students (52 students) - Eileen Tucker- Northfield Mt. program and field trip to study, collect, and observe life cycle and habitats of insects.
2008 Literature - 2008 Award Winners for Young People's Literature- GFMS/TFHS, grades 6-12- Diane Hirtle- Purchase of award winning books, diversity in authors. Some correlate with TFHS social studies outside reading assignments.
Plant/Animal Life Cycles - Montague Center School- Wendy Mieczkowski- K-3 (75 students) - Field trip to Magic Wings as part of an all-school science program of the Sawmill River, animals, habitats and life cycles
Pond Life - Hillcrest-Betsy Burnham, 1st grade (37 students)- Northfield Mt. program study of pond life and field trip; students observe, catch and draw pond life.
Spring on the Farm - Hillcrest - Cheryl Robertson- kindergarten (47 students)- field trip to Red Gate Farm in Buckland, and study of life on a farm in the spring season; study of animals and plants and life cycle.
TFHS/GFMS Band uniforms - Grant would help pay for 45 summer shirts embroidered with logo
Turners Falls Cooking Club - TFHS any grade (10-15 students) -Three Bridges to the Future interns want to donate time for this club. The club will develop students' cooking and shopping skills, study local foods, healthy menu planning, ingredients used in different cultures, and kitchen safety.
Woven Paper Quilts - Hillcrest/Sheffield - Grades 2 and 3 (97 students) - Students will make five large woven paper quilts to be displayed at Sheffield next fall, as unification of the two schools.
Eric Carle Author Study and Field Trip - Sheffield School First graders field trip to the Eric Carle Museum will be the culminating event for the author study of Eric Carle. The trip includes time and instruction in the gallery and an opportunity to create a piece of art in the art studio.