February 2013
Amazing Animals ---Gill School--Gr. 2---This grant will allow the Hitchcock Center to present two hands on animal workshops to the classroom. It will enhance their study of animals and their habitats.
Arts Night---TFHS---For all art students---This grant will provide materials for students to formally mound and frame their projects. The Arts Night also brings in the community to view student work.
ESL American Culture Trip to Boston---TFHS--7 students---This grant will help to defray expenses for this trip to Boston to view cultural sights. It will also bring their class experiences to life as many are taking American Literature this semester and will be learning a lot of American History.
Field Trip to Boston---Gill--Grade 5---This grant is being resubmitted from the Fall. Mr. Grout wants to bring the American history they are studying to life by visiting/walking the Freedom Trail.
Field Trips to Starrett and NEIT---TFHS-- Tech ED students. This grant will allow funds to visit these two sites. This grant will enable students to see a real manufacturing plant and also to visit the New England Institute of Technology to give students an opportunity to discover some career options.
Inquiry-based exploration of the role of organism in the Carbon Cycle---TFHS--- Gr. 11 & 12
This grant will purchase 2 CO two sensors in order to complete Carbon dioxide experiments on plants. This equipment can be used every year.
Pioneer Valley Symphony Orchestra Educational Concert---All grade 3 & 4 students in MES and Gill--This rant will pay for the bus transportation to bring the students to and from GHS. It will bring their study of the orchestra to life for them.
Senior Tea---MES Sheffield Building Sped Students-- This grant would allow for purchase of food for these teas. The student prep for these teas include table setting, planning the menu, serving the food, and planning activities to integrate the 'seniors' with the students. The goal is to build community and provide enriching experiences for the students and the seniors.
Spoken Stories from Around the World---all elementary students-PreK to gr5. This grant will help defray the expenses of a local storyteller, John Porcino. He will do a program for the students during the day and then an evening program where parents will be invited. This is also to include multicultural stories that will benefit our diverse population.
Springfield Science Museum and Planetarium---Gill--Grades 3 and Kdg. This grant will help defray the cost of membership fees for the students at the museum/planetarium. Both grades are studying the Solar System at their level. The older students will help the younger students to understand the material they are viewing.
Steps to Respect Literature Study---MES Gr. 4--- This grant will allow for purchase of two sets of literature books that go along with the Steps to Respect curriculum. By having classroom sets, the teachers can prepare in-depth lessons that all students can participate in without having to share materials.
Student Success Program---GFMS--Gr. 6--This grant will allow purchase of two books of this curriculum. The program will help students solve problems, make good choices, and manage emotions. This curriculum would carry into Gr 7 as well as incoming sixth graders next year.
Traveling Planetarium---MES Sheffield Grade 3---This grant will provide funds for a presenter, and transportation, to bring a planetarium to the classroom for the children's viewing. The third grade is currently studying the solar system and this would certainly enhance their curriculum.
Physics Day at Six Flags---TFHS 11 Seniors---This grant will allow these students participation in a science day at Six Flags. The Park provides hands on learning of the Physics curriculum
Sam Rhine Genetic Update Conference---TFHS 35 students in AP and Honors Biology---This grant is for the Fall 2013. He is applying now because the conference is in Sept or early Oct. Plus he would need to register. This Grant would allow students to hear this well-known speaker on Genetics.
Food For Thought---GFMS--This grant will provide some of the funds needed to run this program. The program will provide a weekend supply of nutritious foods and recipes for children when school lunch and breakfast is unavailable.
October 2012
Beneski Museum of Natural History, Amherst College- Gill School Kdg and 4th grade - The museum visit by both classes will supplement their curriculum on dinosaurs, fossils, and rock formations.
College and Career Readiness Initiative – TFHS, 282 students - Provide students with a comprehensive, age appropriate career exploration and portfolio program. They will develop career awareness, prepare for PG education or training, employment readiness, etc.
Drypoint Etching – TFHS, 12 students - This grant will provide the metal plates for this art project. It is a type of printmaking that provides exquisite results because of the detail it allows. The prints come out very clean and precise although it is a very challenging experience for the students.
Field Trip to Harvard Forest - Gill Grades 2 and 6 - This field trip will support both curriculum units. The second grade will be studying Forest habitats and the sixth grade studies the Eastern Hemlock and the invasive Hemlock Woolly Adelgid.
Food For Thought– GFMS - This grant will provide some of the funds needed to run this program. The program will provide a weekend supply of nutritious foods and recipes for children when school lunch and breakfast is unavailable.
GSA - TFHS 10 students - Their goal is to celebrate diversity and educate the school about the struggles and triumphs of the LGBT community. Some of their programs include: Ally Week in October, Day of Silence, attend a workshop or two, and participate in the Northampton Pride Parade in the Spring.
Image-Making within the Writing Process: Focus on Nature Scenes and a theme of "Courage" MES Sheffield Building - SPED room - This grant will allow students to join art and writing. The grant will also allow for the purchase of art supplies and bookbinding materials so that each student can have their own book. Their books will be shared at a reading event at the end of the school year.
"Jurassic Fantastic, Exploring the Dinosaur Footprints of Gill-Montague” – All Gill & Montague Elementary students - This Grant will allow the Elementary Art Teacher to explore this question with all students: "Why has this region been attractive to animals and humans throughout time?" This project will have poetry integrated with the art.
Literacy through Math - GFMS Grade 6 - This grant will allow the purchase of Scholastic Math Magazines for each sixth grade student. The project would provide all 6th grade math students high-interest, non-fiction reading material that directly integrates the Common core math standards and brings Math to life for the students through these articles.
Promoting Literacy in Preschool - MES Hillcrest building – Preschool, 15 students - This grant would allow this teacher to purchase developmentally appropriate CD's and books to support and enhance the students' overall comprehension of the curriculum of Tools of the Mind.
Rise Up Cares- TFHS--22 students - This grant will provide funds for implementing various community service projects. They will attend a team building workshop at GCC. They will also be baking thank you treats and providing help at the Survival Center, Jesse's House and the Family Inn.
Ready Set Action - MES Sheffield building Grade 3 students -This grant would allow a purchase of a classroom IPAD. It would provide use of technology to enhance the ELA program. Technology has to now be integrated into the curriculum. Once purchased, the IPAD would become part of the classroom for years to come.
Senior Tea - MES Sheffield Building -13 SPED Students - This grant would allow for the purchase of food for the teas. The student prep for these teas include: table setting, planning the menu and serving the food, also planning activities to integrate the 'seniors' with the students. The goal is to build community and provide enriching experiences for seniors and students.
Stations with Organization - MES Sheffield Building--Grade 4, 18 students - This grant will provide materials and tools in order to participate in the math and ELA centers that practice Common Core standards. The money would also be used to purchase premade math and ELA games that practice the skills taught in the curriculum. Tools and games would then be used for future students.