2015 - 2016 Grants
Arts Night 2016 -TFHS - This grant will allow the students to have their 7th Annual Arts Night, exhibiting student work in the HS lobby to the community. The grant will cover supplies and materials.
College Awareness & Exploration Trip -TFHS - This grant will allow the students to attend a college fair. The fair will increase the students' college and career readiness.
Cookies and Canvass Art Night - Gill - This grant is a community night event for Gill Elementary students. It is sponsored in part by the Gill PTO.
5th Grade Field Trip to New England Aquarium in Boston - Gill - This Grant will allow partial funding for their field trip. It will be taken in May, at the conclusion of their Life Science units of study.
Gay Straight Alliance -TFHS - This grant will allow for the GSA Club to participate in various activities through out the school year. Some of the activities require money for registration fees, supplies, etc.
Grade Four Field Trip - Sheffield - This grant will help defray expenses to the Museum of Science in the Spring. They will zone in on their science units of study: simple and complex machines, life cycles, light, sound, soil, and weather.
Kindness Spoken Here Part 2 - Sheffield and Hillcrest - This grant will cover children's books related to their monthly character traits themes. The books will be used in the classroom and will be part of their ongoing library.
Makerspace - Sheffield - This grant will allow the librarian to purchase materials for the many "make it" books in the library. Some students don't have access to these materials at home, therefore, Makerspace will allow students to try out some of the activities.
Motivational Presentations for GFMS and TFHS students - This grant will provide funds for a motivational speaker and his transportation. The incentive is to keep students in school. Also, he will share that College education is available for all students regardless of their obstacles in life.
Old Deerfield Field Trip for 3rd and 4th grade students - Gill - This Grant will provide transportation and a portion of their fees to the museum. They will also be charging parents a fee. This experience will enhance both grade levels curriculum on early American studies.
Vocabulary in a Fun Way with English Language Learners - Sheffield School - This grant will allow the teacher to purchase some vocabulary games targeted for her ELL students. The games will encourage, teach, and promote vocabulary acquisition for the students.
World Of Owls----Sheffield Grade 2 - This grant will provide the second graders a chance to view live animals, which will enhance their curriculum studies this year.
Dissolved Oxygen: Indicator of Aquatic Productivity and aquatic ecosystem health - TFHS -This grant will provide a Vernier Optical DO Probe which makes it easy to measure the dissolved oxygen concentration in water. It will be used in the Plant and Soil science course and in the Environmental Science course.
Read Together Book Club for Hillcrest Kindergarten & First Grade - This grant would allow the expansion of The Read Together Book Club to include both kindergarten and first grade students and their parents/caregivers. During the 2014-2015 school year, the Read Together Book Club was initiated as a monthly after school literacy experience for first graders and their families
Career and College Awareness- TFHS - Grades 10 & 11 - This grant will provide transportation for 40 students to explore 2 nearby colleges that our students generally apply to in their late junior or early senior year. This opportunity will encourage career and college awareness and calm their inhibitions about campus life and the college application process.