October 2008
Boston in Our Eyes - TFHS - 5 ELL students Day trip to Boston to experience a typical American city rich with US history
Can-Do Science – Gill – 16 students 6th grader Equipment for hands-on science curriculum for on-going support of Nature's classroom and environmental activities
Equipment for Social and Multicultural Diversity Development in Kindergarten – Gill - 13 students Dolls and puppets which expose the students to different cultures, customs, families, traditions This activity coordinates with the reading curriculum.
Field Trip to Mystic Seaport – Gill - 16 students 5th grade Field trip to Mystic Seaport to study maritime history
Field Trip to Arza Colleges/dance and Science – GFHS (97) 8th graders Bus for field trip to visit colleges, attend dance performance and tour the Pratt Museum, which will expose students to the arts and to get them to think beyond high school
Heifer International – GFMS - 81 students 6th grade Bus and fees to participate in a field study offered by Heifer International ("Ending Hunger; Caring for the Earth"); visit to a Global Village in Rutland, MA. Study is also of population and resource distribution, volunteerism.
Legos in the Classroom - GFMS - 8 Life Skill Students Purchase of legos for use in all parts of the academic and life skills curriculum.
Montague Bike Path Curriculum- Sheffield Elementary 62 grade 1 students Stipend for presenter and transportation to teach students about their community and environment through a bike trip on the bike path from the Discovery Center in TF to the Masonic Lodge in Montague City several phases of this project include students developing artwork, maps, writing.
Positively Plants – Gill Elementary - 35 students grades 1 and 2 Stipends to outside presenters for a series of plant study sessions to be held throughout the year. Studies include life cycles, pollination, the importance of soil, what plants provide to people.
Reading with Professional Readers: Books on CD – GFMS – (97) 8th grade students Purchase of books on CD to be used with the sets of listening center CD players in the LA class. Students are able to practice reading along with a CD, a strategy for improving reading, and promoting enjoyment of reading. This helps to maximizes class time by engaging the students in reading while teacher takes turns with other, different level readers.
Self-Regulation Space – Hillcrest - 105 students PreK and K Equipment/ allows children to explore with their bodies and enhance learning through movement through sensory integration. This equipment would help developing children who need to use their sensory and motor systems in order to respond appropriately.
Step Up to Success – TFHS - 10 students grades 9-12 alternative program Fees and transportation to Morse Hill, a high and low ropes course, which promotes confidence, group cooperation, trust, expression of feelings, which are some primary goals of the alternative learning program.
Skiing and Snowboarding at Berkshire East - TFHS – (30/40) 12th grade students This is a grant is for a field trip to Berkshire East in February, which supports our PE's philosophy of developing a healthy lifestyle through a variety of activities.